Acifidity Bag Ingredients. From the moment they are born we start teaching them how to get along in life without us. These bags were most prevalent in the Southern USA where it was common practice to use these especially for kids and babies.

Sap from the stems of the Giant Fennel plant which Aunt Hattie grew in her herb garden along the side of the barn. It consisted of a small leather or muslin pouch worn around the neck and in it would most frequently be placed ginseng Panax quinquefolius and yellow root Xanthorhiza simplicissima. However the exact ingredients varied by practitioner.
During the 1918 flu pandemic my grandmother tied little bags around her familys necks.
Plant een lid van de venkel soort. Variously spelled asfidity asfedity asafetida asphidity and assafedity its a folk medicine tradition involves putting the stinky resin of the asafetida or asafoetida plant in a small bag worn around the neck to ward off disease. The resin portion is known to contain asaresinotannols A and B ferulic acid umbelliferone and four unidentified compounds. Shown is powdered asafoetida.