Aer Lingus Add Checked Bag. Can I add multiple baggage allowances to my booking. Bags outside of this allowance must be checked in and the relevant bag fee will apply.
Customers are not permitted to upgrade a bag to a higher weight at the airport on the day of departure excess fees will be applied to any weight over a customers personal allowance. AER Lingus Cabin Baggage size max is 55 x 40 x 24cm and Max 10kg Weight What is AER Lingus Checked Baggage Baggage Allowance. There are a whole lot of exemptions from the fee.
Additional excess fees apply for all baggage over the maximum 44 lb20 kg in total checked baggage weight per passenger.
You can also bring a smaller piece of hand luggage into the cabin such as a laptop maximum dimensions of 25 x 33 x 20cm. Instead of selecting one 20kg bag per person select 40kg checked baggage under one name. After you check in online you can go directly to the Bag Tag and Drop desk where your checked baggage will be processed. All it means is a short wait at the baggage carousel and more space to bring back holiday goodies.