Allergic Rhinitis Eye Bags. In patients with allergic rhinitis eye symptoms including tearing itching and eye redness are an important part of the disease and the target of symptomatic therapy. They appear as dark circles under the eyes and resemble bruises or black eyes Allergic.
Also in adults and oldies nasal and ocular system disturbance can cause allergic shiners. The eye and nasal drops are mainly used for allergic rhinitis treatment to help relieve itchiness or irritation inside the eye or nose and other such allergic symptoms. Some of the fluid from inside the veins can slowly seep into the tissue under the eyes leading to puffiness of the tissue as well.
In patients with allergic rhinitis eye symptoms including tearing itching and eye redness are an important part of the disease and the target of symptomatic therapy.
Rhinitis is defined as an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Some claim that placing cool cucumber slices on your eyes or dabbing cool water infused with chamomile around the eyes will also aid in reducing puffiness. When an allergen enters your body it tries to destroy the allergen by producing antibodies. Some of the fluid from inside the veins can slowly seep into the tissue under the eyes leading to puffiness of the tissue as well.