Amtrak Checked Bag Policy. It says Amtrak allows bags up to 28 by 22 by 14 inches -- which is bigger than the standard for checked baggage under the policy of an airline I checked for comparison when someone asked the same question on the forum earlier this week. Bags cant exceed 50 pounds or 75 linear inches.
In addition to the four bags permitted on board Amtrak also allows passengers on certain routes and trains to check two bags for free. Keep in mind all checked luggage must be checked 45 minutes prior to train departure. Tagging Your BagAmtrak Security About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new.
In addition to the four bags permitted on board Amtrak also allows passengers on certain routes and trains to check two bags for free.
Up to three pieces of luggage may be checked for free and there is an additional charge for up to. You can check bags at some but not all Amtrak stations. But Amtrak doesnt measure peoples bags or. Amtrak does offer checked baggage services on some routes and some stations but.