Anticoagulant Present In Blood Bag. The durable material of the blood bags is complemented by advanced methods of filtering and filling anticoagulants. An anticoagulant that is used for cbc must be neither affecting the structure of the formed elements of blood nor produce any dilution to the plasma.
The bag is frequently but gently agitated to ensure an even distribution of the anticoagulant. The expiration date on the label is calculated from the date of collection. High-quality conventional and Leucored blood bags for collecting and processing whole blood and storing blood components.
What is the most commonly used anticoagulant in blood bags.
The primary use for this type of anticoagulant is to prevent clots in blood that is being held in test tubes or transfusion bags. Grey-top tube potassium oxalatesodium fluoride This tube contains potassium oxalate as an anticoagulant and sodium fluoride as a preservative - used to preserve glucose in whole blood and for some special chemistry tests. Each bag is weighed before any blood is transferred and then continuously during filling by placing it on a scale. Top and bottom technology available for simultaneous separation of blood components through the upper and lower part of the main blood bag.