Are Frozen Vegetable Bags Recyclable. Do not recycle this material in your curbside bin. Eco-Friendly Frozen Food Packaging.
You say these are not recyclable but supposedly food packaging zip-lock type bags are recyclable in the store container. Even cardboard containers like ice cream cartons are lined with plastic. The bulkier forms of frozen food packaging also take up more room in transport requiring more fuel consumption to move them from plant to warehouse to grocery shelf.
As far as the plastic bags that contain your favorite frozen foods and vegetables these cannot be recycled.
However they can be placed in the bright orange Hefty EnergyBag and converted into energy to produce cement rather than ending up in a landfill. These bags need to be recycled at the grocery stores where they have specially marked containers for them. Frozen foods are only continuing to increase in popularity but are often contained inside packaging that is intended to be thrown away so Birds Eye has pledged to change this with the announcement of new recycled vegetable packs. This can consist of anything from ice cream containers and frozen vegetables packaging to your favorite TV dinner box.