Are Plastic Bags Harmful To Humans. This is basically a hard plastic that is strong and durable and is often used to store hygiene products. They also break down into micro plastic particles that get into everything including the human food chain.
Water bottles lunch boxes toys small chairs and tables school bags and stationery items such as pencil boxes can contain some amounts of PVC. Plastic bags are one of those things that have been slowly working their way into our lives and not in a constructive way. Animals mainly marine life whose natural diet includes jellyfish are prone to eat plastic bags.
Plastic takes a long time to degrade and plastic bags specifically can take up to 1000 years to decompose in a landfill.
This plastic is also often termed as a safe plastic but is known to leach very harmful chemicals. This is attributed to the fact that plastic bags have some chemicals that will mix with the meal when heated. Our seas and oceans are awash in plastic. FDA food-grade specifications had high levels of a toxic chemical called nonylphenol.