Asbestos Bags Red And Clear. All asbestos waste should be double bagged placing the waste into the red bag first and then the clear asbestos bag securely sealing. Asbestos Removal Bags Description.
We offer a variety of safety gloves workwear in a range of sizes at a great price. These bags are used to dispose of asbestos waste and are used by asbestos removal companies around the country. We hold over eight Pira certificates so we are able to offer a wide selection of.
Asbestos Waste Sacks - Removal Rubbish Bags Heavy Duty Disposal Bags Double Walled Bagged ClearRed Bags Fully UN Certified CDG Hazard Sign Meets UK Legislation 900mm x 600mm 10 Pack 41 out of 5 stars.
Dont overfill the bag you will need room to place your red bag and PPE into the clear bag and properly seal it. 4046 3372 Ex VAT. Pack of 20 Asbestos Waste Bags 10 x CLEAR 10 x RED This pack contains 10 clear and 10 red asbestos waste bags. Place your asbestos into the red bag being careful not to damage or break up the asbestos and seal the bag.