Bag Check At Disney World. On multiple occasions my friends told me that the new method is faster than the old-style bag checks and thats always great news. Bag Check Information Security is limiting contact with your bags and items as much as possible.
No bags larger than 24 long x 15 wide x 18 high are allowed in Disneyland or Walt Disney World parks. Disney security reserves the right to check any and all bags parcels and packages entering the parks. If you use the service be sure to check your bags at least 3 hours before your flights departure time as Disney will not be able to get your bags on your flight otherwise.
Park maps you can pick these up at the park if you dont have any of your own ahead of time or download them from our Disney World Maps page MagicBandspark tickets On-site guests will likely use their MagicBands.
The Walt Disney World Resort is currently using contactless bag check procedures in which Cast Members dont touch your bag and many Guests report that the process feels smooth and safe. Some items to remember in your Disney World park bag. You dont have to worry about being forced to place your bags in a locker. Sunday June 14 2020 - 0039.