Bag Of Bones Synopsis. Set in the fictional unincorporated town of TR-90 Maine it follows an author Mike Noonan who suffers from writers block. After his wifes sudden death a best selling author returns to his cabin retreat where he receives paranormal visitations and becomes involved in a custody battle.
Set in the Maine territory King has made mythic Bag of Bones recounts the plight of forty-year-old bestselling novelist Mike. Bag of Bones is a 1998 fantasy novel by American author Stephen King. Ultimately this seems to be a story on Mikes accomplishments and eventual end as a writer.
Noonan begins by describing the death of his wife four years ago and his subsequent grief and the resulting writers block.
With Pierce Brosnan Melissa George Annabeth Gish Anika Noni Rose. Having isolated himself at his lake house to write Noonan begins to experience delusions linked to the untimely death of his wife four years earlier. Particularly disquieting to Mike is that his wife had just bought a home pregnancy test but never revealed the pregnancy to him. Mike who is still grieving is struggling with Writers Block and has returned to his Summerhouse in Western Maine which he calls Sara Laughs to.