Baga Beach To South Goa Distance. The road driving distance between Baga Beach to Dudhsagar Waterfall-goa is 72 Km. It comes under the jurisdiction of Calangute which is 2 km south.

As there is no direct bus route available to Bambolim you can hire a car and drive to Bambolim Beach at a cost of around Rs 200. Distance from baga beach is 1 KM. Baga beach is one of Goas most vibrant and crowded tourists spots and there are plenty of activities to indulge in here and things to see.
19 min 91 km.
Area just near is well maintained and clean. The Beaches of Goa India are popular for beauty nightlife adventurous watersports. Anjuna to Baga. Depending on the vehicle you choose to travel you can calculate the amount of CO2 emissions from your vehicle and assess the environment impact.