Bagad Ka Atta In English. Meanings of the word baajray ka aata in English are. Singhara atta is an excellent source of good carbohydrate and energy boosting nutrients like iron calcium zinc and phosphorous.
Ganhu ka atta mende ka atta makki ka atta i arrowroot flour. This recipe will make about 1 dozen 4 inch to 5 inch flatbread enough to serve 3 to 6 people. Some of these words can also be considered baajray ka aata synonyms.
åtta in English Swedish-English dictionary.
Human translations with examples. Contextual translation of makai ka atta into English. Singhara atta is an excellent source of good carbohydrate and energy boosting nutrients like iron calcium zinc and phosphorous. Singhara also known as water caltrop or water chestnut is a fruit that grows underwater.