Bagged Cargo Handling. Bagged cargo is discharged directly onto trucks and typically one might expect around 5000 torn bags during the. We are reliable service provider of bulk and bagged cargo within India and also slowly marking our presence across the continent.
The use of wire slings. We have enough fleet of trucks and equipments that are operated by highly professional persons who are ready to pick and deliver cargo. Bagged general cargo Efficiency in handling and storage of bagged palletized general cargo We operate annually a quantity of up to 100000 tons of general cargo and we can simultaneously store a quantity of 20000 tons of bagged cargo both in warehouses sheds and onto open platforms.
If loss of volume and degradation of quality are to be avoided the packages must not be damaged by other articles or items of cargo.
The Club has been informed by way of correspondents in Iraq that their biggest problems at present are torn bags and shortage claims. Boxco Logistics aims to establish RICT as a modern logistics hub for bulk fertilizers handling with anchorage operations barging facility from the anchorage to the jetty onshore services including discharging of cargo from barges onto hoppers movement of cargo to mechanized bagging units with 5000 MT of cargo bagging capacity per day. Occasionally bags will be cut. Collection of spilt cargo promptly for re-bagging ensure hatch covers are fully closed prior to the onset of rain monitor the dew point of the cargo hold during the voyage ensure correct ventilation management throughout the voyage conduct frequent visual inspections of cargo whilst the ship is in transit or at anchor.