Bago Yoma. The mean annual rainfall is 3360 mm with an average humidity of 829 and the mean annual temperature is 267 C in. Bago a barangay administrative division in the municipality Bato Leyte.
The range runs from Mount Popa in the north to. Bago Yoma has the longest history of timber production using the MSS in the country. The Tertiary Bago-Yoma Basin is located to the southeast of the main petroleum producing fields of the Central Myanmar Basin Figure 2.
Bago a barangay administrative division in the municipality Asturias Cebu.
Overnight stay at Yangon. Bago Yoma Regreening Project_Bago PresentationTaungoo - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation ppt PDF File pdf Text File txt or view presentation slides online. Bago a supreme deity of the Isnag people. On a hillside of Bago Yoma also called Bago Mountain ranged along North to South-Central Myanmar for about 270 miles secluded Bago Yoma Eco Resort Being a native land for Myanmar treasured Teaks a secluded paradises for rare species of birds and wild animals rich of native tribestheir traditions and cultures decorated with natural waterfalls singing streams through forest.