Bags And Baggage South Africa. Fast reliable delivery to your door. Free delivery on all orders over R1000.
However this means that you do need to take into consideration your airlines strict weight allowances because if you exceed them you could face excess baggage charges. We have luxury travel business products for all your needs delivered anywhere in South Africa. More than just a luggage store we source the best quality fashion and travel products from all over the world and deliver across South Africa.
Country of Domicile This website is governed by the laws of South Africa and Bags and Baggagecoza chooses as its domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement.
Diplomat Luggage carries luggage handbags and accessories from leading brands and designers including Samsonite Cellini Brando. 013 697 0777 Categories. However this means that you do need to take into consideration your airlines strict weight allowances because if you exceed them you could face excess baggage charges. Boxes duffle bags for ladies and much more.