Bags Smaller Than 14 X14 X6. Per the Staples Center and NBA policy any bag larger than 14x14x6 35x35x12cm will be prohibited from entry into the arena. ONLY ONE clear bag allowed MAXIMUM BAG SIZE.
Will be prohibited from entry the exception being bags used to carry skates into the arena for games that feature post-game open skates. Still cameras with lenses shorter than 3 inches and camera cases camera. Bags smaller than 14x14x6 are allowed.
Firearms of any kind.
Their strict bag policy only allows fanny packs purses and clear plastic bags smaller than 14x14x6 to be carried into the Arena. All bags are subject to search. Cans Camera monopodsbipodstripods Chemicals Drones and other unmanned aerial devicesvehicles External flash camera units Fireworks smoke bombs etc. If you want to attend an event in Staples Center you might want to think twice about bringing any kind of bag with you.