Balenciaga Bag Original. Do keep note that newer bags that DONT have the metal nameplates still have the letter stamped on the back of the tag along with the serial number. An authentic Balenciaga bag doesnt have this much shine to the bag.

Learn some easy Balenciaga authentication tips in this guide that compares an authentic classic city motorcycle bag to a replica. Balenciaga is working its way backwards through the alphabet therefore its quite easy to determine what season your bag is from on bags with a metal tag its based on this letter. Belanja tas branded wanita import dengan harga murah dari berbagai merek lainnya.
Blue Lambskin Balenciaga Handbags.
Didirikan sejak 2020 Voilaid menawarkan koleksi yang bervariasi mulai dari tas sepatu pakaian ready-to-wear hingga aksesoris. If the stitching is loose crooked or uneven you are most likely looking at a fake Balenciaga rather than an authentic. The original hardware will have different tones across areas of. A Balenciaga original motorcycle bag will sport flawlessly fixed hardware no gaps at the zipper ends and a metal that compliments the distressed leather in its tone.