Bdo Patrigio's Apparel Bag. 8 Comments on Black Desert Patrigios Costume and Morcos Gear Bag Guide. BDO is a grind the game throws dailies weeklies and event quests at you non stop and it builds up to the point where you are basically working a second job.
At higher skill levels you can use less materials and get more products. From day to day the style you want to wear depends on the weather or your mood right. Patrigio Apparel Bag from Weekly Quest for Instant Change Costume Time Stamp Subtitle Available Video.
- 1 ingredient of blue grade can be replaced by 3-5 white grade ingredients and.
It is basically a bag you can open to store any of the costumes in your pearl tab so you can quickly swap them by putting the costume bag on a. From day to day the style you want to wear depends on the weather or your mood right. BDO is a grind the game throws dailies weeklies and event quests at you non stop and it builds up to the point where you are basically working a second job. Kann man das Wissen irgendwo über FReundschaft oder dergleichen freischalten.