Un Bulk Bags. Our bags are made in an ISO 9001. UN bags are specifically designed to storetransport hazardous materials.
In order to be classified as such the bags must undergo rigorous testing methods. UN-approved FIBCs are designed to transport hazardous materials. UN Certified Bulk Bags - National Bulk Bag - Un Certified FIBCs.
In order to be classified as such the bags must undergo rigorous testing methods.
These bulk bags have been tested and certified as being appropriate for carrying dry flowing materials. Its easy to visually identify a UN bag because of the strict labeling and ID requirements. BSFL Packagings range of UN Bulk Bags is designed and certified to contain and transport hazardous materials by Sea Land and Rail in accordance with the UN International standards. The task of packing storing and transporting hazardous materials comes with its own set of risks and challenges.